Sunday, February 21, 2016

Happy Notes, High Times, Birds In Sky, American Tales

Image result for eagle

In the air, for a minute, pages of lives, birds in the air, bees and bugs, in the tall trees. Dogwood trees, in the winds, on the sands of time,to stand over times, winds to blue skies, birds to rise, birds to fly far in the skies, food to eat, games to eat. Good times, times to dance, time to sing, glory days done. Bumps in the road, the pits and the potholes, joys and pains, gifts to the others, books to read. Tricks and turns, three lefts to make a right, pages of love, pages of hate. Angels to mother, funny faces to others, ugly is a hard word, not what I would say, notes of history online, jokes and pains, pages to turn, how to get things done. Dogs and bitches in heat, fruits and nuts to go. Faces in the mirror, 1000 words, gifts of tales to share, Jewish Rites, dances in the dark, dances with snakes. Gifts to share, stories and tales of snakes and frogs.

Lions To Tales, lions in the grass, lions to hear, roars to eat, times to walk the walks. Times and space, to win or to lose, games to play, lessons to learn, trips to the woods, trips to hell and back. Stars to shine, dreams to lives, hopes in the air. Bear in the woods, 420 grower as well, how tall again, and the decade you were born, a baby boomer for sure?Writing time, have to write a letter for my transcripts, going back to school, non-profit management, and that is the beginning, going to learn how to do parties, event planning, born to party right. Causes, seasons, and reasons, to go forward, battles to win, horse and pony shows, searches for a rite knight, to sail and the travel with, games of love. Games of chances, mountains to climb, seas to cross, writing time now. How old are you again, in the decades, the experiences you have had. 

Faces to see, faces to watch, faces on a clock, ways to go, wheels to roll, games of live, love and hate, coins to flip, cards on the table, tales to be told. Lessons on life, lessons on luck, cards to dealers, poker players, more ways to check. Life is a beach, life is a run, life on the way, paths to take, trees to bird. Songs for the lost, songs for the sisters with needs, to love and to hate, faces in the mirror. Hands out to help, hands out to lead, hands out to create, more blue oceans of dreams. 

Birthday hits every day, bitches in the wind, songs to play again, haters and lovers, coins to flip, cards on the table, coins to place, bets on.  Bugs, bees, butterflies, in the woods, in the dogwood trees, on courts, games in the cartoons. Games in the squares, good times, fairy tales, Disney tales, pages to turn, books to write. Cartoon hits, balls in the air, games to play, ducks and dicks, birds to beat. Games in blue, games on courts, balls in the air, times to bounce. 

Faces to see, seven snakes, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267- notes to take, classes on the sands of time. Tips on high marks, classes on love and hate, goat and sheep, pick one, faces of love and hate, pages to turn, books to write. Birds and bees, songs to sing, birds in the air, gifts to share.

1 comment:

  1. Causes, seasons, and reasons, to go forward, battles to win, horse and pony shows, searches for a rite knight, to sail and the travel with, games of love. Games of chances, mountains to climb, seas to cross, writing time now. How old are you again, in the decades, the experiences you have had.

    Faces to see, faces to watch, faces on a clock, ways to go, wheels to roll, games of live, love and hate, coins to flip, cards on the table, tales to be told. Lessons on life...
